Your rent must be paid prior to move-in and in order to receive the keys. Also if your move-in date is after the 20th of the month you will need to bring in the prorated amount for that month along with the next month’s rent
The goal of our company is to provide a pleasurable experience during your stay with us. To accomplish that goal we have put together rules that must be followed to protect the peace and quiet enjoyment that you deserve, and that everyone around you is entitled to. The rules:
This letter is confirmation that we received notice of your intent to vacate the home you are now renting.
SECURITY DEPOSIT: In order to prevent any misunderstanding regarding your refund, move out instructions and procedures are enclosed. Please provide your landlord with a forwarding address in writing or email.
EARLY VACATE & RE-RENTING: Please notify the office for options.
KEYS: All keys to the property need to be returned. Your property will not be considered vacant until we have received your keys. Garage door openers should be left in a kitchen drawer. There is a $40 fee if no keys are returned and a $75 fee if garage door openers are not left at the property.
MOVE OUT INSPECTION: It is not necessary for you to be present during your move-out inspection. Although, If you would like to be present during your inspection, please call the office after you vacate the property and have turned in the keys to schedule your Inspection. We will provide a 3 hour window on when we will be doing the inspection. If you are not ready when the inspector shows up, then it will be performed without you. Keep in mind that the property should be cleaned and empty for this appointment.
REFERAL $: It is very important to keep your home looking its best as prospective Tenants may be driving by your home and YOU can earn referral $ by helping us find a great Tenant like yourself to rent the home. Be sure to tell friends at work and any clubs or associations. We may also place a Yard Sign to help you earn referral fee.
STAY WITH US: If you are still deciding where to live go to Westpropertymanagement.net If you are a tenant in good standing we will waive application fees and give you access to your new home a week early so you have more time to move.
Is always a good place to find moving boxes for free or at a discount.
Also look at your local U-Haul office to find: dolly, plastic wrap, tape, taping machines and packing paper. Boxes, tape and taping machines are also located at Wal-Mart, Home Depot and Lowes.
Good luck and we wish you the best with your move.
West Property Management
Any repainting, repairs cleaning, trash removal, and any other expenses associated with returning the condition of your home to your move-in condition can be deducted from your security deposit. Your security deposit will be mailed to the forwarding address you provide within 30 days after your Move-out inspection has been completed. Attached is a list of fees and charges for your information.
We recommend that you print this form off and use it as a check list, doing so will keep you on target for getting your full deposit back! We only expect you to return your home in the same condition as when you moved in.
If you have any questions, please call. GOOD LUCK with your move!