Thank you for your interest in our property! Please read and complete all information sections provided. The application fee is $39.00 dollars PER PERSON + 3 dollars for processing. The application fee is non-refundable. In the event of multiple applicants, we will rent the available property to the first applicant that meets our criteria. Applications will be reviewed in the order received. Application fees will not be refunded for back –up applications that came in after the first applicant. Applications are not considered complete until all the information needed has been submitted
$29 monthly charge for granting access to a personal secure portal. This portal grants access to submitting maintenance requests, scheduled rent payments, one-time payments and secure chats. Also grants access to our after hours, holidays and weekends maintenance emergency hotline.
$325 Lease Initiation Fee for the Leasing Paperwork, Leasing process and creation of the secure tenant portal(s).
Monthly City Utility charge for water, sewer, trash may be outlined in the lease as an additional service to pay with your monthly obligation. Not for all properties.
Pet Fees see pet section below
Each person over 18 must fill out an application and submit the application fee. We will quickly process your application when all information and fees are collected. Please allow us 48hrs to process the application, many times it will not take the full allotted time. We will get back to you as soon as we have an update. Calling in to check on the application status will only slow down the process. West Property Management is an equal opportunity housing provider and adheres to Fair Housing Laws. We do not discriminate against any person based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, disability, veteran status, marital status, source of income, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other protected class under applicable federal, state, and/or local law
Applicants will be asked to disclose any prior convictions or pending criminal actions. A criminal background check will be conducted. Failure to disclose is grounds for denial. Pending criminal actions will not, in themselves, be grounds for denial but may be factors used along with other criteria. Convictions of any sort will be evaluated on an individualized basis. Management will consider the nature of the crime and the severity of the crime, along with how much time has passed since the criminal activity and the release from any imprisonment, parole, or probation. Persons who are listed on any sex offender list will not be considered. Persons who have a criminal conviction relating to drugs who have not provided evidence of completed drug rehabilitation will not be accepted nor will persons whose drug conviction relates to conviction for other than possession. Applicants should be aware that serious convictions relating to crimes involving violence, gang activity, arson, and injury to persons will likely be denied. Also, persons who have been recently released from prison, parole, or probation may be required to provide additional information and references.
Smoking is considered to be the use of cigarettes, vaping, e-cigarettes, and other forms of smoking. WPM does not allow smoking in or on the property, or within 25 feet of any entrance of the property or a neighboring property. WPM reserves the right to not process applications and rent to applicants who smoke. Any exceptions to this are on a case by case basis and may require a higher deposit.
2 Persons/1 Bedroom (we adhere to the 1+ guideline). Applicants under the age of 25 will require a cosigner or if applying jointly with an applicant 25+ in age, will require a minimum of 2 years positive rental history. No more than 2 unrelated (other than immediate family) “roommate” applicants under the age of 30.
The option for a Co-Signer may be offered only to Applicants that do not satisfy the Income Requirements, Credit Requirements, and/or Rental/Residency History (only lack of history, not negative history). Co-Signers must complete, sign, and pay for a separate application for the Property. Co-Signers are subject to the same Rental Criteria, background checks, and verification as described above. Co-Signers must provide proof of income which would satisfy the income requirement on their own. If the application is approved, the Co-Signer must sign the rental agreement as if they are moving into the rental. Co-Signers will be held responsible for the Lease and any other costs incurred on the Lease, such as damages should the occupying Tenant(s) default. WPM reserves the right to not offer the option for a Co-Signer.
Check each available Property for specific pet policies. Pets may be denied if they do not receive a positive reference from the previous Landlord regarding the pet’s behavior, if the pet is not spayed or neutered, and/or if a complete veterinary medical history (including immunizations and sterilization) of the pet is not provided. An additional pet deposit, monthly pet fee, one-time pet fee, or combination thereof will be required. Where applicable, restricted breeds will result in denial. All pets and animals must have a separate pet application found on WPM website. If a pet is a registered service animal, proper documentation must be provided at the time the application is received. If a pet is considered an emotional support animal, a doctor’s note from a licensed medical professional that is considered capable to deem such animal as an emotional support animal will be required at the time the application is received.
Unless otherwise specified, restricted pets & breeds include: Ferrets, Large Snakes (over 2 lbs.), Exotic Animals, Birds (case by case), German Shepherd, Doberman, Chow, Rottweiler, Akita, American Staffordshire Terrier, Pit Bull, Presa Canario, Great Dane, Wolf Hybrid, Husky. Where pets are allowed, pet deposit: $300.00 to $500.00 per pet; Monthly per pet fee (if applicable): $40.00
– Each applicant over the age of 18 is required to pay an application fee. This fee is NOT refundable under any circumstances, even if the Applicant is denied tenancy.
– If we are unable to verify background and/or credit using the provided social or ITIN, we reserve the right to deny the application or require additional deposits.
– A email notification may be sent acknowledging the beginning of the processing of the application. Processing will not begin until the Application is deemed complete.
– All Applicants are judged on the same Rental Criteria. It is the Applicant’s responsibility to review the Rental Criteria and to provide us with the necessary evidential documentation and/or contact information to verify the information provided in the Application. WPM reserves the right to decline an application for incomplete or untruthful information or documentation. WPM also reserves the right to decline an application for the Applicant’s delay in providing WPM with information and/or documentation needed to verify the Application.
– We process on a first come first serve basis, and also reserve the right to process the most qualified (according to our criteria) application first. We may also prioritize applications based on who has viewed the inside of the property, in the event of a “sight unseen” application.
– We can only hold a property for up to 1 week from the available date, and can require an earlier lease start date. If you need to wait longer, you will have the option but rent will begin being charged.
– You will be required to have a Renter’s Liability Insurance policy in place.
– The questionnaire that follows takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. WPM recommends that the Applicant double-checks the information they provide to ensure there is no delay with processing the application for residency. Closing the application or browser will lose this application and you will have to start over. Data is not accessible for your security.
– For questions or concerns regarding an application, please contact us at 801-441-7000 and ask to speak to a Screening Associate